Book Reviews

74. (2024). Tough Crowd by Graham Linehan. Quarterly Review

73. (2022). Science Hack Adam Rutherford, Himself The Product Of Eugenics, Gets Emotional About Eugenics—A Symptom Of Our New Dark Age: Control: The Dark History and Troubling Present of Eugenics. V-Dare

72. (2022). Lynn’s Sex Differences in Intelligence: The Extremely Un-PC Case For Greater Male Intelligence. V-Dare.

71. (2021). A Dark Night Rises: A Long, Dark Shadow: Minor-Attracted People and their Pursuit of Dignity by Allyn Walker. Quarterly Review.

70. (2021). Murrayism (As In Charles Murray) Has Failed. Now What? Facing Reality: Two Truths About Race in America by Charles Murray. V-Dare.

69. (2021). History Debunked: The Forgotten Slave Trade: White European Slaves of Islam by Simon Webb. Quarterly Review.

68. (2020). Against the Wind: Memoirs of a Dissident Psychologist by Richard Lynn. Quarterly Review

67. (2020). Pedal Power. The Vice of Kings: How Socialism, Occultism, and the Sexual Revolution Engineered a Culture of Abuse by Jasun Horsley. Quarterly Review

66. (2020). Truth – Curse of the Woking Classes: Human Diversity: The Biology of Gender, Class, and Race by Charles Murray. Quarterly Review

65. (2019). The Identitarians: The Movement Against Globalism and Islam in Europe by José Pedro Zúquete. Quarterly Review.

64. (2019). Eternal Recurrence: Superior: The Return of Race Science by Angela Saini. Quarterly Review. See the video review which YouTube banned under pressure from SJW scientists here:

63. (2019). Lighten Up: Whiteness: The Original Sin by Jim Goad. Quarterly Review.

62. (2019). The Sex Factor by Victoria Bateman. Quarterly Review.

61. (2018). Cognitive Capitalism by Heiner Rindermann. Journal of Social, Political and Economic Studies, 43: 351-354.

60. (2018). Imagination – it’s an illusion. Reimagining Britain: Foundations for Hope by Justin Welby. Quarterly Review.

59. (2018). Apocalypse, When? Can Life Prevail? by Pentti Linkola. Quarterly Review.

58. (2018). A Donald, for the educated reader:  12 Rules for Life by Jordan Peterson. Quarterly Review.

57. (2017). Hemlock, on Tap: Academic Freedom in an Age of Conformity by Joanna Williams. Quarterly Review.

56. (2017). Spengler, Lite: The Strange Death of Europe by Douglas Murray. Quarterly Review.

55. (2017). A Farewell to Patriarchy:  Women vs Feminism by Joanna Williams. Quarterly Review.

54. (2016). The Welfare Trait by Adam Perkins. Mankind Quarterly, 57:3.

53. (2016). The Handbook of Evolutionary Psychology. Mankind Quarterly, 57:3.

52. (2016). Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow. Mankind Quarterly, 57:2.

51. (2016). Does Your Family Make You Smarter? by James Flynn. Mankind Quarterly, 57:1.

50. (2016). Race Differences in Intelligence: An Evolutionary Analysis, Second Revised Edition, by Richard Lynn. Mankind Quarterly, 56:4.

49. (2016). The Persistence of Polygamy. Mankind Quarterly, 56:4.

48. Dutton, E. & Meisenberg, G. (2016). Biohistory by Jim Penman. Mankind Quarterly, 56:3.

47. (2016). Race by Peter Wade. Mankind Quarterly, 56:3

46. (2016). Superforecasting by Philip Tetlock and Dan Gardner. Mankind Quarterly, 56:3.

45. (2016). Hive Mind by Garrett Jones. Personality and Individual Differences.

44. (2015). Mannerheim: President Soldier, Spy by Jonathan Clements. Journal of Finnish Studies, 18: 212-214.

43. (2015). The Long Crusade: Profiles in Education Reform, 1967-2014 by Raymond Wolters. Mankind Quarterly, 56: 237-240.

42. (2015). The Life History Approach to Human Differences: A Tribute to J. Philippe Rushton (Ed.) Helmuth Nyborg. Mankind Quarterly, 56: 96-99.

41. (2015). The Roma: A Balkan Underclass by Jelena Cvorovic. Mankind Quarterly, 55: 4.

40. (2015). Meeting the Ancestors: ‘My Grandfather Would Have Shot Me: A Black Woman Discovers Her Family’s Nazi Past . . .by Jennifer Teege.’ Quarterly Review.

39. (2015). Christianity and the University Experience: Understanding Student Faith by Matthew Guest, Kristin Aune, Sonya Sharma, and Robert Warner. Suomen Antropologi, 40: 1.

38. (2015). Global Inequality as a Consequence of Human Diversity: A New Theory Tested by Empirical Evidence by Tatu Vanhanen. Mankind Quarterly, 55: 278-280.

37. (2015). The Sami People of the North by Neil Kent. Scandinavian Journal of History, 40: 2

36. (2015). An Armchair Traveller’s Guide to Finland by Jonathan Clements. Scandinavian Journal of History, 40: 1.

35. (2014). Cooking for Chaps By Gustav Temple and Clare Gabbett-Mullhallen. Resign!

34. (2014). Conceiving God: The Cognitive Evolution of Religion by David Lewis. Mankind Quarterly, 55: 1/2.

33. (2014). Tsar Putin’s Pobononostsev: “The American Empire Should Be Destroyed”: Aleksander Dugin and the Perils of Immanentized Eschatology by James Heiser.  Quarterly Review.

32. (2014). A Manifesto for Sad People:  Adventures in Stationery by James Ward. Quarterly Review.

31. (2014). Class Inaction: The Son Also Rises by Gregory Clark. Quarterly Review.

30. (2014). When Catholics were Heretics: God’s Traitors by Jessie Childs. Quarterly Review.

29. (2014). Warming Shots:  Watermelons by James Delingpole. Quarterly Review.

28. (2014). Right Royal Retribution: The King’s Revenge by Don Jordan and Michael Walsh. Quarterly Review.

27. (2014). Are We Getting Smarter? by James Flynn. Journal of Social, Political and Economic Studies, 39: 2.

26. (2013). 20th century tumbrils – the First Victims of the Bolsheviks: Former People: The Last Days of the Russian Aristocracy by Douglas Smith. Quarterly Review.

25. (2013). Ethnic Conflicts by Tatu Vanhanen. Journal of Social, Political and Economic Studies, 38: 3.

24. (November 2012). How to Marry a Finnish Girl By Phil Schwazmann. 65 Degrees North. 

23. (2012). Breeding for Brilliance: The Chosen People: A Study of Jewish Intelligence and Achievement by Richard Lynn. Quarterly Review, 6:3.

22. (2012). The Wreckage of Multiculturalism: Sea Changes by Derek Turner. Quarterly Review, 6: 2.

21. (2012). The Salmon Lords by Solbakk Aage. Suomen Antropologi, 37: 4.

20. (2012). Anthropological Fieldwork: A Relational Process eds. Dimitrina Spencer and James Davies. Suomen Antropologi: Journal of the Finnish Anthropological Society, 37: 1.

19. (2011/ 2012). Downward Mobility: Dysgenics by Richard Lynn. Quarterly Review, 5: 4.

18. (2011). Nothing to Envy: Real Lives in North Korea by Barbara Demick. Occidental Observer.

17. (2011). Navigators of the Contemporary: Why Ethnography Matters by David Westbrook. Suomen Antropologi: Journal of the Finnish Anthropological Society, 36:1.

16. (2011). Gift of the Gabb: The Churchill Memorandum by Sean Gabb. Quarterly Review, 5: 3.

14/15. (2011). Coalition Coition:  Which Way is Up? by Nick Boles and 22 Days in May by David Laws. Quarterly Review, 5:2.

13. (2011). Anti-commonsense conservatism: Ten Books Every Conservative Must Read By Benjamin Wiker. Quarterly Review, 4: 4

12. (2009). Infidel by Ayaan Hirsi Ali. Occidental Quarterly, 9:1.

10/11. (2009). Black Mass and On Being a Pagan. Religious Studies Review, 35: 1.

9. (2009). The epiphany of a bien-pensant: The Fallout: How a Guilty Liberal Lost His Innocence by Andrew Anthony. Quarterly Review, 3: 1.

8. (2008). ‘There’s no place like Rome’: The New Rome by Cullen Murphy. Quarterly Review, 2: 4.

7. (2008). Black Mass by John Gray. Occidental Quarterly, 8:3.

6. (2007). The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins. Journal of Social, Political and Economic Studies, 32:3.

5. (2007). Watching the English by Kate Fox. Occidental Quarterly, 7:3.

4. (2007). Blackshirt: Sir Oswald Mosley and British Fascism by Stephen Dorril. Occidental Quarterly, 7:1.

3. (2006). Londonistan by Melanie Phillips. Occidental Quarterly, 6:3.

2. (2004). Sectarianism in Scotland by Steve Bruce et al. Scotia: Interdisciplinary Journal of Scottish Studies, 26.

1. (2003). Scottish Independence. Scotia, 25.